Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sunday, January 11, 2008

we all are different.
why are there barbies and plastics in our lives
they try to be the same, but they fall on their face.

Yellow. The color of the sun,
But is it a happy color? o.o
Yeep :D I'm weird. Really & honestly....
I have no idea what to write.
I guess I'll just write about my real life.
So anyways. I am going to the Obama Inauguration && I'm super duper excited. But I'm nerves at the same time. I have all these questions in my head such as will I meet Obama and if he will like me, and if I make a good impression.
Yeah just typical nerves. But about school...I just got over my friends/x- crush Kelvin and I still think he's like very adorable, because really...he's a nice guy. But my friend Ana and me thought he was such a bullxshitter one day that we were in shock. Seriously, I really shouldn't think he's cute right? I mean it's been almost 3 godxdamn years and he's never liked me before...yeah whatever. He can be a jerk and miss out.

seriously, to my best friend Samantha. she is taken by my this boy Steve. he's in high school and she's going next year [like me]
she wants to go to high school and i think that's so darn cute ^.^
they are like so xmillions in loved! there was a rumor that Steve made out with this other girl who people said was a blond.
he said he hates blonds and then people said oh it was his sister.
seriously, I'm glad that didn't interfere with there relationship! they are so cute;; she lost her wallet & iPod and he got her a new red nano chromatic.
how freaking sweet is he! :D
I'm so happy for her <3>

okay seriously, i hate like with passion when these little 5 year old go like
ohh i loveee twilight! Edward Cullen is soo hot!
noo i love Jacob. ohmygodd there like amazinggg
It's sooo irritating! It's like Stephanie Meyers writing is like nothing! She writes everything with passion and pretty much no one feels it. When you see the movie, yeah you're jaw drops on how insanely gorgeous everyone is, but look at the details involved; look at the work Stephanie has put to write this amazing story.

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