Seriously, this freaking place I live in.
A motherfudging fake ass city!
Seriously, no one is like trust worthy anymore.
Everyone lies to me, they hide stuff from me and really, there too afraid to tell me stuff
Seriously, if you don't want to be my friend, tell me you stupid mother fxxking retard!
Don't try and make me look like a retard, because honey
You have succeed. Seriously, why are you all so goddamn fake!
It's so irritating D:
Seriously, no one is real to me anymore and like . . .
Dude . . . it's hurtful, it makes me depressed every single day now and it makes me wish that
Our Graudation was so much sooner.
God Fxcking DAMMIT! D:
I hate my life
It's like a motherfucking joke man
Ugh I hate you.
MARIIIII. HIHI. its me! (: